When designing an irrigation system, we recommend that you follow the steps as outlined in this document -
Suggested Steps to a Proper Irrigation Design
Sprinkler Settings and Adjustments
These tutorials will demonstrate how to filter the sprinkler selections, how to assign a symbol to a nozzle and adjust the color setting, how to set the desired operating pressure at the nozzle, adjust the radius of throw or the arc pattern assignment, and how to set the sprinkler body assignment.
Sprinkler Placement Methods
In these lessons you will learn the different methods of sprinkler symbol placement.
Water Source
Learn how to place a water meter or pump station on the design screen.
Other Irrigation Symbols
These lessons will instruct you on how to place control valves, backflow devices, controllers, rain sensors and more.
Pipe and Wire Placement
In these tutorials you will learn the proper way to draw pipe and connect the pipe to irrigation components. You will also learn how to draw a pipe hop symbol to indicate one pipe crosses or jumps another pipe without connecting. You will learn the different methods of drawing drip tubing and irrigation control wire.
In these lessons you will learn how to calculate the flow of all sprinklers on the design screen and how to group them into individual zones. You will also learn the proper steps to both lateral line and mainline pipe sizing and hydraulic calculations.
Other Settings
These tutorials will demonstrate the settings that adjust the size of irrigation symbols placed on the design screen and the characteristics of the pipe and labels. You will also learn about tied assemblies and how they can assist in creating a more accurate material list and more.
Irrigation Options
Irrigation Tied Assemblies
Auto Symbol Label
The Auto Symbol Label command allows you to automatically place labels on or next to symbols on the design.
Auto Symbol Label - Settings
Learn to select the desired position for the labels to appear in relation to the symbols as well as the specified offset or distance the labels will appear from the symbols. |
Auto Symbol Label - Placement
Learn to select symbols for label placement, delete existing labels, move labels, or change the color assignment for the symbol labels. |
Helpful Commands
These commands are not direct irrigation design commands, but they are helpful just as well.
Revision Cloud
Revision clouds are used to draw attention to sections of a design during the review stage. The Revision Cloud command will allow you to draw a revision cloud made up of three or more points on the design screen. All revision cloud lines are automatically placed on the Revision Cloud layer in the Layer Manager.
Expand or Contract Sections of the Dialog Box