Editing Tools
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  • Undo & Redo
    Use the Undo command to "backup" and delete the previous ten actions or the Redo command to restore the actions.
    Cut, Copy & Paste
    The Cut, Copy and Paste commands will allow you to remove entities from a design and have them available to paste back to the current design or another design. You can also quickly copy an entity such as a sprinkler or plant and paste the new copy on the design screen to avoid the need to return to a placement dialog box.
    Quick Select
    Learn the steps necessary to set the selection criteria to quickly select all entities of a specified type on the design screen.
    Using the Quick Select Command
    See a few examples of how the Quick Select command may be used during the design process.
    Using the Move Command
    Learn to use the Move command to reposition entities on the design screen.
    How to Rotate Objects
    Learn to use the Rotate command to pivot or rotate the selected entities on the design screen.
    Rotating Symbols
    Learn to rotate irrigation, landscape or miscellaneous symbols on the design during placement or after placement.
    Using the Scale Command
    Use the Scale command to resize selected entities on the design screen. In this lesson you will also learn to use the Properties command resize selected text on the design.
    Scaling Irrigation Symbols
    Learn to scale irrigation symbols such as sprinklers, control valves, backflow devices and more. In this lesson you will also learn to resize Valve Notation symbols on the design screen.
    Draw Order
    Learn to use the Draw Order commands to move entities on top of or below other entities on the design screen. This is a great tool for moving pipe below irrigation symbols or trees on top of shrub symbols.
    Break Lines
    Learn to use the Break Lines command to break a line consisting of three or more points into separate line segments. The command is very useful for correcting errors in drafting or in pipe placement.
    Combine Lines
    Learn to use the Combine Lines command to convert multiple line segments into a single line segment. The individual line segments must share endpoints or they will not combine into one segment. This command will not combine curve or arcs, only individual line segments.
    The Trim Command
    Learn to use the Trim conmmand to trim or "cutoff" two line segments at their intersection. The command is usefull in trimming property lines at their intersections.
    Learn to round off corners of a driveway or any two lines that intersect one another.
    Learn to angle corners of a driveway or any two lines that intersect one another.
    The Offset Command
    Learn to use the Offset conmmand to offset or "parallel" a line, curve, circle, ellipse or arc entity. The command is usefull in creating parallel lines on a sidewalk.
    The Array command allows you to create rectangular, polar, or path array of any object or objects on the design.
    Rectangular Array
    Learn to copy or duplicate the selected object(s) a specified number of times in rows and columns at any angle.
    Polar Array
    Learn to copy or duplicate the selected object(s) in a circular pattern.
    Path Array
    Learn to copy or duplicate the selected object(s) at any spacing along an existing line or curve.